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Itunes Old For Mac

카테고리 없음

by greslumrope1982 2020. 11. 1. 08:49


Mabaeyens wrote: Today I have switched from a new device, restoring the previous backup from local iTunes. While restoring the apps, I have been prompted several times for an old Apple ID I no longer use for almost 1 year. Download iTunes 12.8.2 for Mac This update resolves an issue that may prevent iTunes from playing media to third-party AirPlay speakers. It also includes minor app and performance improvements.

How to downgrade iTunes version on Mac and Windows computers?

Newer versions of applications are not necessarily better. Developers often remove specific features, which they thought were redundant. This was the case when iTunes version 12.7 was released. They removed access to iOS app store and many users reported that they missed this feature and disliked the later version.

Fortunately, you can reject the updates, and even if you who have already updated iTunes, there is a solution. Mac users can downgrade iTunes to one of the previous versions (for example, 12.6.3), however, there are a number of important steps that will result in errors if you skip them - iTunes will not launch or function properly. Another important consideration is that Apple supports only the latest version of iTunes and have stopped fixing bugs relating to versions earlier than 12.7. If you have decided to downgrade iTunes regardless, follow the steps listed below.

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How to downgrade your iTunes on Mac

Before downgrading, we strongly recommend that you backup the Mac to keep content related to iTunes (such as music, media, apps or configuration) safe. Once you have backed up the computer, close the iTunes app, and then launch the Terminal app under Utilities folder. Alternatively, simply call Spotlight to run the software. Once the command window appears, type the command 'cd /Applications/' and hit return. This will move you to the Applications folder where iTunes is located. Next, type another command, 'sudo rm -rf iTunes.app/' (check to ensure that you have typed this command exactly, since using sudo accesses 'superuser' permissions and the rm command permanently deletes anything applied to it). Press Return. When you are sure you have entered the command correctly, confirm your action by entering your Mac admin password.

Old Itunes Download For Mac

Once iTunes is deleted from the hard drive, open Finder and go to the iTunes folder by clicking Go in the menu at the top of your screen. Select Go to Folder and type in path ~/Music/iTunes/ and click Go. In the folder, look for the iTunes Library.itl file, move it to the desktop or another location where you can access it.


Old Itunes For Mac

Next, return to the iTunes folder and open the folder titled Previous iTunes Libraries. Look for a file with the latest data in the name. For example, iTunes Library 2018-03-22.itl or similar. Make a duplicate of the file and move it to the previous folder titled 'iTunes'. When the duplicate has been moved, rename it to iTunes 'Library.itl'

Where is itunes on my macFor

Finally, visit the Apple iTunes Download page and look for your preferred version. For example, 'iTunes 12.6.2' and choose to download. Install the software to your computer and launch the application. It should work properly. To prevent returning to version 12.7, disable automatic updates.

Itunes Old Version For Mac

How to downgrade your iTunes on Windows

Windows users are familiar with removing programs through 'Programs and Features' under Control Panel, but regarding iTunes, the same rules apply as for a Mac. The library file must be restored from the list of old files. To prevent any future issues, we recommend that you follow the steps in the given order. First, find the library file. Open the location where the iTunes media content is stored, locate the iTunes Library.itl file, and move it to the desktop or anywhere accessible. Then, look for the 'Previous iTunes Libraries' folder and create a copy of the latest iTunes Library.itl file. Move a copy to the iTunes folder and rename it to 'iTunes Library.itl'. Then open explorer and go to Control Panel, choose Programs, and select Programs and Features. Look for iTunes, select it and click Uninstall at the top of the list. Next, download the preferred version from the Apple iTunes Download page, install it, and you should be able to use it properly.

Itunes Download

Video Showing how to downgrade iTunes on Mac computer: